By Kimmiko - 04/06/2009 12:17 - Germany

Today, I was driving on the motorway when a cop car made me stop. It was a routine check and when they said "Have you been drinking?" of course I said no. To that, my 6 year old sitting in the back screamed "Yes she did! She's lying I saw her drink!" I had drunk a milkshake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 192
You deserved it 7 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jeremymg91 0

Sucks for you.. can't really punish her though.. I didn't understand that "drinking" was an alcohol term when I was younger either.

ladycoyote 0

Ah, children. Reason #8672 why I'll never have any. :)


mattiga 0

What happened? Ur child is so stupid ur child should know what a cop means when hey says have u been drinking

Tell the kid that it was his fault That mommy cries at night

lol that was so funny. I can't beleive the comments I am hearing, OP your kid is not dumb when I was 6 I thought the term drinking meant literally 'drinking a non alcoholic beverage.' I remember when I was little I saw my mom drinking coffee while driving and I told her 'Mom, don't drink and drive!' she only laughed at me, she didn't correct me because she thought it was cute. To the point, I thought this was funny and I am sure the cop would have understood. Hopefully.

It's not like your in any trouble so ... Yeaah

Shadaez 0

@162, Why would he want more kids?

I hope the police officer didn't take your child seriously. He should notice that they're younger and probably have no idea what that actually means in the real world. Technically they were right when they said you were drinking; they just didn't get it exactly right... You should have probably passed the test anyway. You drank a milkshake, not alcohol. The cop would be able to tell when you walked a straight line /and/ passed the breathalyzer test.

Milkshake huh? So THATS what they call drinks these days ;)

manoverboard 0

I've always wanted to do that to a cop...

cha2rn 0

That ******* sucks! Sounds like something my daughter would do...

AK 2

... And that's why I don't like kids.