By Kimmiko - 04/06/2009 12:17 - Germany

Today, I was driving on the motorway when a cop car made me stop. It was a routine check and when they said "Have you been drinking?" of course I said no. To that, my 6 year old sitting in the back screamed "Yes she did! She's lying I saw her drink!" I had drunk a milkshake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 192
You deserved it 7 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jeremymg91 0

Sucks for you.. can't really punish her though.. I didn't understand that "drinking" was an alcohol term when I was younger either.

ladycoyote 0

Ah, children. Reason #8672 why I'll never have any. :)


maggie_gxx 0

oh my gosh i hate people that are saying i hate kids on here. she's only 6 years old!! she doesn't know. you were probably like that too when you were a kid. and besides i mean it's not like she ruined the guy's life by saying that... he probably passed the breathalyzer. seriously all of you guys just need to shut up. what have kids ever done to you; it's ignorant adults like you that are screwing up everything.

#2 Yes! Any kid who gets the instinctive reaction to go "he's/she's lying!" about his or her parents, even more so to a stranger, URGH. There's something pretty wrong there. In a way, YDI, because your kid is like that at least in part by your fault.

agree with #14 it may be considered child-like behavior orrrrr it can be considered snitch-y behavior. very annoying if so and you've raised your child improperly. he will the kid that nobody in school likes if you don't change him

I did something similar to that when I was seven, except there was no cop. I blame the schools for telling me that drinking and driving was bad, yet they didn't give a clear explanation to what 'drinking' meant. Its probably still like that today. :|

**** that little girl id b pissed

Haha, I'm sure you didn't go to jail because your kid said that. Only a hassle of having kids.

For everyone saying kids r idiots he the idiot I'm pretty sure 6 year olds don't know wat they mean by drinking

commanderadama 0

Ydi bad parenting would have been fml if the kid was younger like 3

Based on the FML, I imagine the OP is in England...and also, in U.S.A, cops can not pull you over without probable cause. Maybe it's different in England? Either way, kids have no concept of when it is or is not ok to say certain things. This is one of those times where I would love a 'get over it' button.