By Broke - 27/03/2009 00:24 - United States

Today, I was entered into an online contest where they announce your name on the radio and if you call in within an hour they pay your bills for you. I'm unemployed, so I got really excited when they announced my name. My call wouldn't go through - I hadn't paid my phone bill and the line was disconnected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 285
You deserved it 28 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently you pay your internet bill. And really, in an hour you couldn't find someone with a cell phone or use a payphone? YDI.

#3: He shouldn't listen to me...but instead do exactly what I said he should have done? Interesting.


cartering 0

Of course, we all know that are no such things as public libraries so there is no way a person could ever utilize free internet access

An hour wasn't enough for you to find another phone to use?

BB_baby 0

instead of relying on a radio station to pay your bills for you, maybe you should get a job i know its hard cause of the recession and all but if you try hard enough you will find one eventually YDI for being so lazy

eeee93757 0

Yet you have internet...interesting.

I call BS. In one hour, you couldn't find a phone anywhere? Neighbors, payphones, random passersby? And you have a working internet connection?

oh SHITTY! this cracks me up though :)

reeree16 0

r u talking about the radio station Z100 ? & wow that sucks lol

cheerfreaakk 0

hey is this z100!!! ive won their contests before, this one in particular. oh mannnn im sorry that happened:(