By Broke - 27/03/2009 00:24 - United States

Today, I was entered into an online contest where they announce your name on the radio and if you call in within an hour they pay your bills for you. I'm unemployed, so I got really excited when they announced my name. My call wouldn't go through - I hadn't paid my phone bill and the line was disconnected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 285
You deserved it 28 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently you pay your internet bill. And really, in an hour you couldn't find someone with a cell phone or use a payphone? YDI.

#3: He shouldn't listen to me...but instead do exactly what I said he should have done? Interesting.


FkMyLF8 0

do you live int metro Detroit? there's a radio station here that does this exact thing. you should of like ran to a store and been like omg i need to use ur phone lol

you should have run to the nearest phone, even if it was an hour away. but really, what bad luck.

Alot of radios do it. 92.5 the wolf in Colorado

Lee002 8

lol talk about a catch 22 get it I said talk

Mitch1134 0

why didn't you use a payphone? or a neigbor? dumbass

Decodedman 1

YDI for not finding, in one hour, a way to make a phone call. If you can't even get your crap together to cash in on free money, how can you expect someone to hire you to WORK for your money? Good luck with that job hunt. Here's a hint: its not in your bong.

Run to your ****** neighbors house and call.