By Silver_Jet - 06/03/2014 01:59 - Canada - Beamsville

Today, I was excited to see a spider skittering across my bathroom floor, because this one was real and not a hallucination. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 267
You deserved it 6 819

Silver_Jet tells us more.

Op here. Got an account to commentnt on this. No I am not on drugs. I know this spider is real because I killed it and I am not sure if I have schizophrenia.

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

If you're not sure you have schizophrenia (or anything else) and you're having hallucinations, you should immediately go talk to a medical or mental health professional.


damnit1989 16

I'm hoping this means that you are a recovering druggy or *finally* getting a handle on mental problems. Either way, good for you for finally seeing reality!!!! If this is neither, then maybe it's time to consider those options.

Good for you Quit the drugs then maybe buy a pet spider...

That's one of the saddest things I've read in a while. Sorry OP :/

swagaliousness 7

r u always high or something lol

akballerchicity 11

This is the stupidest FML I have read in a while.

Op again. Not high on anything not on drug nor am I coming off of a drug. I did do the 'smash test' on the spider. I am going to get help for the hallucinations. They may be brough on by anxiety or depression. I need help but at least I know I am not a threat to myself or others.

FalconWhitaker 20

This may be a strange questions, but how are your eyes, OP? There's a condition called Charles Bonnet syndrome that can cause hallucinations and it's linked to loss of vision rather than problems with your mind or brain. Whatever's causing your hallucinations, I hope you get an opportunity to get them checked out soon.

jamboooy 11

Until you do the smash test on human beings