By Anonymous - 27/06/2013 16:58 - Finland - Nykarleby

By Anonymous - 27/06/2013 16:58 - Finland - Nykarleby
By Eden - 14/07/2011 20:21 - United States
By why ma? - 21/04/2022 15:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/02/2013 23:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/02/2021 05:01
By leovaldez - 22/06/2020 20:08
By STIdiot - 17/10/2011 12:12 - United States
By SocialSuicide - 17/11/2021 04:58
By mcginnismr - 13/05/2016 22:57
By Anonymous - 03/07/2021 08:01 - Canada
By BadLuckBetty - 09/08/2016 11:33 - United States - Millville
Guess she's the prick, then.
so thaaaaats why your mom used to be so ill all the time. 'strep throat'. good one mom ;)
Being a ***** gives you strep throat? That explains so much.
Being a ***** can get you a lot more than strep throat in case your wondering ;)
Cough on your mothers food. Then accuse her of whoring around. Just for laughs though.
then fart on her pillow and when she is diagnosed with pink eye accuse her for her whorish behavior.....because everyone knows you get pink eye from watching to much ****.
intentionally giving your mom pink eye I'd just wrong no matter how illogical her step throat argument is.
@27 party pooper
Or claim pink eye is from facials and getting cum in her eye too much.
32. let me rephrase. Next time when your mom has strep throat, give her an ice pack for her sore knees
Well someone had a miseducated, accusing mother. Maybe take her to the doctors and let them explain. Or just leave it. What a waste of breath.
For real. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
What even???
OPs mom accused her off performing oral sex on multiple partners, which resulted in strep throat.
I can read, I'm not stupid. But you don't get strep throat from that.
Your intelligence is still up for debate. I would ask that you not make any wild claims until after the final decision is made.
That was needlessly rude. Why is my intelligence being questioned? I'm sorry no one understands that I don't understand how OPs mom is so dumb. But I guess some people just can't help but insult people they don't know.
That's the whole bloody point of the internet, to insult people you don't know. You don't have to know them.
31, the internet, my friend.
#64 Yes, you are doing it right, you asshole.
Hard to argue when hurting talks to. Some people need basic science classes.
When talking hurts too?
I'm guessing your mom us thinking of mononucleosis you know the kissing disease lol but I would get a doctors note like someone said earlier you feel crappy enough already you don't need her verbally abusing you too
Which is again not 100% true. I got mono at age 5 by drinking a coke from my sister, who also got it from drinking after someone else. Sharing utensils is another good way of getting it. Water fountains? Just gotta be careful
I got mono in second grade from the idiotic kids who decided that putting their mouths on the water fountain spout was a good idea. I was out of school for a month, and when I came back all the other kids shunned me because they thought you could only get mono from kissing other people. Idiots.
Maybe she's thinking of the Cox-Sackie virus, another one that causes sore throats.
Was she speaking from experience? ;)
Cough on your mothers food. Then accuse her of whoring around. Just for laughs though.