By Lexiebear27 - 19/09/2011 15:56 - United States

Today, I was fired for being a very happy and perky employee. According to my boss, it freaks both the customers and my co-workers out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 015
You deserved it 6 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

qhostred 0

Unless you work at a funeral home, I really don't see anything wrong with being happy

Well if they didn't appreciate you the way you were, then **** em.


Buzzy123 7

Mhm...I see that at school alot..

Dreck353 1
astarazhna 1

It is so very sad that happiness is frowned upon. Maybe that explains the prevalence of douchebaggery I encounter everywhere. I think I need to up my perkiness factor (which is already naturally high) if it creeps out the miserable. Don't ever assume happiness and perkiness are the same thing; such thinking is one-dimensional.

So, you're sad and perky? Fake happiness doesn't piss off just the miserable, it annoys the content as well.

It's best to fire you straight rather than let this go on until another fellow worker eventually loses the plot and slaps the living shit out of you. I'd like to sympathise with you, but I can understand where your ex-boss was coming from. Be human and be grumpy once in a while!

I happen to work with an overly happy and gushy woman. Personally, I haven't decided if she a total fake or mentally unstable and about to snap but I do lean towards the latter. Either way, I avoid talking to her. But I can't imagine firing her because I don't like her personality. I'm pretty sure it's covered by labour laws...

clementine00 1

In all honesty, I think it's really weird when people are too happy....I think in a way I half expect them to snap at any given moment. Its freaky when people are always really happy.

physicist48 0

If it starts making the customers feel uncomfortable I can kind of see your boss' point.

Today, thanks to #4, I found out I'm a serial killer. FML. I think that anyone who claims to be annoyed by happy people is generally unsatisfied with his or her own Life and being annoyed is a camouflaged display of jealousy. That's what I think. But then again, what do I know? I'm a serial killer.

As a grumpy/grouchy person. I can appreciate not wanting to meet someone that is super happy and chipper. And at the same time, I can remember being a simpler time in life where I was happy. I don't think I would complain to a manager about it. I would just say "i have no idea how you can be so happy at x time of day". hopefully it will turn out to be a good thing for the person being fired. (in the long run). Working with a bunch of grouchy and unhappy people all the time can be a real bummer too.