By mrsmahdi - 20/07/2015 14:29 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was fired from my dream job for being pregnant. Apparently, you can't teach children while growing one inside you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 610
You deserved it 2 444

mrsmahdi tells us more.

They fired me in a clever way by telling me they didn't have anything for me to teach and that me going on maternity leave was too hard on the students I had so someone else was doing my classes. So I was not officially fired so much as pushed out and replaced

Top comments

HR then court. You can't be fired for being pregnant as a teacher.

That's incredibly stupid. I'm sure you'll find a better job in not time. Good luck with the baby. I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother.


You need to seek legal help NOW. It is illegal to fire you for being pregnant... forced leave of absence in certain jobs is legal but not teaching. Your rights have been violated.

Jethco 15

If that's the official reason I'd be looking for a lawyer if I were you.

There are laws protecting women from such bullshit.

due to the Pregnancy Protections act (its called something like that) that's highly illegal. If you sue, you'll almost definitely win.

That's discrimination and illegal... Sue their asses!!

If you can't afford a lawyer, try contacting the ACLU.

That's completely and 100% illegal. Hire a lawyer and fight it.

You should your employer because that is wrong.