By mrsmahdi - 20/07/2015 14:29 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was fired from my dream job for being pregnant. Apparently, you can't teach children while growing one inside you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 610
You deserved it 2 444

mrsmahdi tells us more.

They fired me in a clever way by telling me they didn't have anything for me to teach and that me going on maternity leave was too hard on the students I had so someone else was doing my classes. So I was not officially fired so much as pushed out and replaced

Top comments

HR then court. You can't be fired for being pregnant as a teacher.

That's incredibly stupid. I'm sure you'll find a better job in not time. Good luck with the baby. I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother.


I seriously doubt you were fired for being pregnant. Even the most ruthless corporate shills wouldn't dare fire a pregnant woman, the cost of the legal shitstorm that would ensue far outweighs what they would pay you in maternity for a year. A school for young children would be more understanding.

that's actually illegal. if you feel like becoming a few thousand dollars richer. sue the school district.

that's stupid. 2 of my teachers in 7th grade were pregnant and one even had to take a month or two off so they could raise the baby.

They're not allowed to fire you for being pregnant, I'm like 99.9999% certain. Buuuut they do NOT have to give you maternity leave. At cashiering job in MN, you have to be with the company for a year before you can have maternity leave. Which is really really really dumb considering you need maternity leave when you need maternity leave. Because of this policy, I think you can be fired for not being able to do your job because you're pregnant. Try standing for 8 hours while in your third trimester!

BloodyGlass 10

Not only is this wrong, that is highly illegal, and OP has a solid case against them. Hopefully, justice will prevail and the assholes will find themselves out on their own asses.

Hire a lawyer sounds like a title VII violation.

Say what? 4

That's illegal. If someone else took over the class then there WAS something for you to teach . So they have in fact just fired you because of your condition. Which is illegal