By mrsmahdi - 20/07/2015 14:29 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was fired from my dream job for being pregnant. Apparently, you can't teach children while growing one inside you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 610
You deserved it 2 444

mrsmahdi tells us more.

They fired me in a clever way by telling me they didn't have anything for me to teach and that me going on maternity leave was too hard on the students I had so someone else was doing my classes. So I was not officially fired so much as pushed out and replaced

Top comments

HR then court. You can't be fired for being pregnant as a teacher.

That's incredibly stupid. I'm sure you'll find a better job in not time. Good luck with the baby. I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother.


It's illegal to fire a pregnant woman unless she is breaking the law.

Sorry OP but unless you sue them YDI. Maternity leave is your right and I don't think they can so easily fire you. However unless they specifically say that it is because you're pregnant it might be difficult to prove. Have a chat with a lawyer to get a sense of what you might expect. Good luck!

curiouslilbird 19

The wording of the FML sounds like they didn't even let her get far enough along to need maternity leave--as in, they just learned she was pregnant and fired her on the spot. Most pregnant women work as long as they can unless the doctor puts them on bed rest, and then that's when maternity leave kicks in, or at least it should. Also, since she's been fired, AND she worked as a (likely grossly underpaid) teacher, the likelihood of her having enough money to even "chat with a lawyer" or actually take a school system to court is quite low. I don't see how this is a YDI by any stretch. I see lots of financial hardship and sorrow ahead for her no matter if she sues or not.


Okay that's bullshit I've had teachers who were pregnant and left when the baby was born and came back later and actually I had one who missed most of the year cause of maternity leave so that's complete bullshit

In the U.S. That is illegal. I'd sue.

I'm pretty sure that's actually against the law

jlujan00_fml 9

Dude that's super illegal. Take their ass to court!!

Mooglefox 23

Were you working at a very religious school and single?

JennyLovee21 15

there is literally a law against discriminating against pregnant employees. file a complaint with the eeoc and sue them!

I sincerely hope it was a public school so your rights have not been violated!

i'm pretty sure that can't be legal... or maybe it is since you're american and your country doesn't even have paid maternity leave which is a basic human right.