This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By "Kami_667" - 29/07/2017 07:35

Today I was gaming and got annoyed at the incessant chirping of my bird so I scared it b holding my dog up to its cage, apparently my dog is also afraid of the bird. Now I have a piss covered keyboard and mouse and two teeth marks in my nose which will meed stitches...FML
I agree, your life sucks 15
You deserved it 156

Top comments

boopingsnoot 24

Put an old shirt or something over the cage - bird will think it's bedtime. Or, you know, don't be an asshole to your pets.

My pets' food has been driving me insane for the last few hours. I'm considering murdering every single one of them and just sticking them in the freezer til the next feeding. ******* crickets...


boopingsnoot 24

Put an old shirt or something over the cage - bird will think it's bedtime. Or, you know, don't be an asshole to your pets.

Kalua 6

Yep. I totally get being annoyed at your pets, especially when they're noisy and you want to do something (like sleeping...) But it's not *their* fault you want to do something you think would be better with them being quiet. I do sometimes give my degus little "scares" (Meaning saying e.g. "Hey, Luna, stop this!" in a slightly loud-ish voice) when I want them to stop something, but even then it's something they're not allowed to do. I want to sleep and they want to talk and play? Well, bad luck for me.

My pets' food has been driving me insane for the last few hours. I'm considering murdering every single one of them and just sticking them in the freezer til the next feeding. ******* crickets...