By Anonymous - 09/03/2012 15:14 - United States
Same thing different taste
By sofakingweetodit - 18/10/2010 12:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/02/2016 11:17 - United States
By Druggie - 07/02/2017 09:00 - United States - Culver City
By Anonymous - 30/04/2015 17:33 - United Kingdom - Limavady
By suckstobefat - 22/01/2012 06:10 - Canada
Fuzzy memory
By Kreen - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff
By keyless - 14/04/2012 15:20 - United Kingdom - Aberdeen
By anxiety - 16/11/2011 05:11 - United States
Deluxe Memory Man
By St Steven - 15/04/2023 00:00 - United States
By anonymous - 22/12/2017 15:00
Top comments
It's normal to.. Wait what's that word?
Really? vitamins op? where did you get them from? From your self-proclaimed pharmacist ?
It's funny cause it's ironic.
38 - it's ironic cause it funny*
what the fudge are you trying to correct 51???
28- that can be an example of inception!
Should have gone ahead and took one!
Thats the point of the FML dumbass. Op couldnt take one because he/she forgot them at home!
But if she would of taken them before she even brought them home then she would of never forgot. thats what i think 3 is saying.
3 is off in fairyland, i dont think even he knows what hes trying to say.
OP should probably double up on these vitamins!
Maan, I feel you there. Try splitting them up and keeping them in little bags for your purse/ wallet, car, and locker (work or school), then if you forget to take one, BOOM they're right there for ya.
Lol I'm going to try this... I always forget to take them. The woes of having bad memory lol
But how will you remember to try this method?
Seems like u sure ganna make a use of them vitamins
Seems like you could make use of a dictionary.
However, I type on my iPod and it just auto-corrects things for me. By the way #31, nice picture, K-ON!! If I'm not mistaken, right?
They were given to the op.
Forgot it at home? Don't most people leave vitamins at home to take with say, breakfast? Why would you need to take them anywhere?
Sometimes you got to take pills at lunch as well as breakfast.
That's exactly what I was thinking :) lol
26 - find me over the counter vitamins that have to be taken at a specific time and I will send you $10 and a high five. There are some drugs that have specific dosage times but vitamins? Nope.
My iron pills, I don't know why but I have to get them over the counter and they have to be taken with food.
Um where was a cat mentioned? Wrong FML?

It's normal to.. Wait what's that word?
I always forget my vitamins except for the dinosaur shaped ones.