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By Anonymous - 09/03/2012 15:14 - United States

Today, I was given a bottle of vitamins that are supposed to help your memory. I forgot them at home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 467
You deserved it 4 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always forget my vitamins except for the dinosaur shaped ones.


shanemaximo 7

I can sell you some great vitamins to help you remember to take your memory vitamins.

Really? vitamins op? where did you get them from? From your self-proclaimed pharmacist ?

hellbilly205 17

Well OP the best way to remember to take them...umm wait what are we talking about again?

osnapitzaris 0
RahmEsHestos 5

what the fudge are you trying to correct 51???

28- that can be an example of inception!

Thats the point of the FML dumbass. Op couldnt take one because he/she forgot them at home!

But if she would of taken them before she even brought them home then she would of never forgot. thats what i think 3 is saying.

3 is off in fairyland, i dont think even he knows what hes trying to say.

desireev 17

I commend you for saying 'should have'! Not many people use that phrase correctly!

Llama_Face89 33

53- think they ruined it by saying "took one" rather than "taken one"

RahmEsHestos 5

I agree, as long as you meant before OP left.

OP should probably double up on these vitamins!

Maan, I feel you there. Try splitting them up and keeping them in little bags for your purse/ wallet, car, and locker (work or school), then if you forget to take one, BOOM they're right there for ya.

Lol I'm going to try this... I always forget to take them. The woes of having bad memory lol

But how will you remember to try this method?

RahmEsHestos 5

I like to keep one of EVERYTHING with my at all times, not just pills ;)

Seems like u sure ganna make a use of them vitamins

Seems like you could make use of a dictionary.

KiddNYC1O 20

A swift kick in the ass might straighten those words out.

MargieDrury 1

Just saying, for alian... #6 depending on what there using the buttons are small and mistakes can be easily made. Like my iPod the little buttons are like a centimeter. Just saying.

However, I type on my iPod and it just auto-corrects things for me. By the way #31, nice picture, K-ON!! If I'm not mistaken, right?

miz_kamakazi 11

At least you didn't forget to buy them in the first place. That's winning already!

wlddog 14

Seems they forgot what the OP wrote. Wait... Forgot why I was commenting

usnwife 18

Forgot it at home? Don't most people leave vitamins at home to take with say, breakfast? Why would you need to take them anywhere?

pinkcrayola 0

OP also forgot how to take vitamins.

Sometimes you got to take pills at lunch as well as breakfast.

That's exactly what I was thinking :) lol

26 - find me over the counter vitamins that have to be taken at a specific time and I will send you $10 and a high five. There are some drugs that have specific dosage times but vitamins? Nope.

My iron pills, I don't know why but I have to get them over the counter and they have to be taken with food.

usnwife 18

I understand taking it with food, but don't most people eat (at least one!) meal at home?? Still don't get why you would want to take them anywhere :/

Um where was a cat mentioned? Wrong FML?

FMLshark 12
Damn_Hippster 11

1- I agree with the fact OP should have taken the cat to the vet, but what does that have to do with forgetting memory pills?

FMLshark 12

Unless "pills" means "cat", I don't see a cat anywhere in this FML. Did you forget to post on the right FML?