By Anonymous - 07/04/2014 23:24 - United States - Pleasantville

Today, I was given a call home, a 3-day-suspension, and a week of detention in school for a "serious violation of the code of conduct." Said violation? Jogging in the middle of the hall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 433
You deserved it 4 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is worst of all violations. You should have known better.

BWolf7 8


Why were you jogging in the middle of the hall?

I can't stand the hall monitors in school.I almost landed an In School Suspension because of a dumbass security guard telling me I was 'endangering' everybody in the halls.

It's a well known fact. It starts with jogging in the middle of the hall, and leads to doing drugs and robbing old people on the streets.

You should have known better, OP. Running in the hallway is a serious offence. I know you were only jogging, but we all know what jogging leads to. It's only a matter of time until find yourself running up and down the halls wondering where it all went wrong...

skyeyez9 24

Or he may like jogging so much, OP will jog at the park in his free time.

you should be careful jogging in hallways my cousin died doing that!!!!!

I'm sure there are rules against running in the halls (and jogging, I guess, is considered running), but this punishment sounds a bit excessive. Or have you been caught jogging before, been told not to do it, and continued doing it in spite of repeated warnings?

skyeyez9 24

Its called "zero tolerance" punishment where they treat every infraction like a felony. Public schools are like that now.

That sounds dumb to me... But I could be wrong...

Whaaaaaat!! That may be just a tad extreme. Imagine if you were holding scissors!

oh wow, that is serious, you could have started a stampede, or worse yet, a fad. Soon everyone might jog and that would be the downfall of society.

Thats why Americans rank so poorly in education on a global scale...lets suspend for dumb crap and wonder why we rank 26/27 of industrialized nations...smh