By stutterboy - 11/06/2013 20:36 - United States - Rancho Cucamonga

Today, I was giving a presentation to my college class. I've had a natural stutter my whole life, so I stuttered through the whole thing. My professor tried to hold in her laughter for 15 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 270
You deserved it 2 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yea because someone's uncomfort and disability is hilarious..stupid ****

football98_fml 20



cmoimoro_fml 2

When guys teased me on my stutter, I couldn't help but punch them immediately. No matter if they were friends just joking or strangers. As a societary human beeing, you build a protection against the common insults such as " asshole" etc, but being teased on stutter stings you heart directly...

Your professor is a jerk, OP. I'm sorry she did that to you. If she does something like that again you may want to talk to your school's disability affairs office, sometimes stuttering falls under a disability classification.

Mysterion345 11

I feel you OP. I had a stutter when I was a kid. Its an impairment and it can turn into a disability if it gets really bad. I hope you reported your "instructor" for unprofessional actions in class. Also I hope you got a good grade and eventually be able to get over the stutter one day.

sgtcxelite 11

Your teacher is pretty ******* immature. This girl in all of my classes has a speech impediment, and not one person ever laughs. We were surprised the first time we heard her, and we all kinda really dislike her because she's a know-it-all who never shuts up and inserts herself into every conversation possible... But we don't make fun of her for the stutter. We do, however, laugh at how she presents like she's doing an after school special from the nineties.

Some people are just plain cruel. I'm sure you have had a hard time with this all your life and it took a lot of courage to go up there and read your project. That teacher of all people should be understanding and not hold back laughing at you. Your teacher is a tool !

blargblah 12

That's horrible dude. Your teacher sounds like a prick

aww you're adorable! I have a thing for stutters they're too cute!

dominoL 7

wow...i have a speech impediment so i get it. i'm sure you can report that douche to someone. that's just a complete dick move