By dukemisery - 01/10/2016 05:34 - Hong Kong - Central District

Today, I was glad to find out that all the bedbugs have been eaten. Now I have a spider infestation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 607
You deserved it 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I absolutely hate spiders. But in this specific case I would choose them over the alternative.

get a lizard to eat the spiders lol


OMG thats not good, I'd be freaking out!

nightingale21 7

Peppermint and vinegar. Spiders hate that shiz

MoroseMoose 47

My best friend swears by cacti. A cactus in every window drives them away.

PePziNL 20

What? How? How would a cactus drive away spiders? I'm actually curious.

Get a bird infestation to deal with the spiders, a cat infestation to deal with the birds, a dog infestation to deal with the cats, and then get a gun to shoot all the dogs. Or you know, keep em. Mother Nature FTW

Follow the old lady's example in the nursery rhyme and bring in a bird :p

I can't imagine the spiders could have eaten all the bedbugs unless you have like 1000 spiders in your house. Nevertheless I think I'd rather have spiders than bedbugs. At least spiders don't bite unless you're directly harming them.

They did say spider 'infestation' which usually means more than a couple.

Well I guess if we're looking at the bright side it's an improvement? I'm sorry OP, good luck!

At least spiders don't generally feed on you while you sleep leaving you and your sheets dotted with blood.

sailorarctic 22

spiders are much easier to get rid of than bedbugs. count yourself lucky. you got some spiderbros. I have a flea and fruit fly infestation I'm dealing with. my house spiders are loving it and normally I'd be tearing their webs down and chasing them off with a broom but as long as I see those little black corpses of them eating my pests they can stay.