By harrysolo - 19/07/2009 01:26 - United States

Today, I was going on a first date with a girl I really like. We were going to see the new Harry Potter movie, and she told me she was getting all dressed up. It was only after I picked her up I realized she meant that she was dressing nicely. I was dressed as Harry Potter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 574
You deserved it 65 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I'm a girl, and I would totally dress up as Harry Potter. Just not for a first date. :P

haha i wanna know what happened when she saw you! that's cute that you got dressed up though, it was just a misunderstanding[: you'll be okay


well its first date he dunno wat kinda girl she is; its a given to dress up nicely for dates, so theres no point in mentioning that unless customs are involved. i dont think he deserves it, i would have misunderstood too, but not really a fan of harry potter

#76 ftw that's great :)) I personally think this is hilarious and adorable. This is obviously a little misunderstanding. She'll get over it. F all you people's lives who are like "omg you loser. Ydi" fyl for having no sense of fun and humor

mister_moops 0

i thought it was going to be the other way around. "i thought she was going to dress nicely but she came dressed as hermione" or something whatevs, ydi, broski

i'd love to date a guy who would do that!

Seriously you guys? C'mon, I'd be absolutely giddy if a guy actually dressed up for Harry Potter to go on a date with me. It show's he's not scared to make a fool of himself to have a little fun, and he's not one of those uber-macho-that's-too-geeky-for-me kind of assholes you see all the time. Kudos man, neither FYL or YDI. I think you rock.

daydreambeliever 0

I'm with you. I can't stand those guys!

Frodoslife 0

Dude F all theses haters! and FyL i would have done the samething. Hopefully she was a fan and thought it was cool and you got some action

F all these haters?? Dude, the movie sucked and he dressed as the main character in that movie, and it was on a first date...that's as bad as it gets.

Frodoslife 0

Yeah the movie wasnt the best but he is a true fan and good for him for expressing it. Only true fans can appreciate this.

unluckydavid 0

Today, on my first date with a guy I kinda liked we went to the Harry Potter movie and he showed up dressed as Harry Potter. FML

sweetxlittlexlie 0

that's absolutely adorable. if the girl doesn't think it's cute, she isn't worth it!

Rainbowarrior_fml 0

Agreed. If she made fun of you, you should have smacked her and left. For Order of the Phoenix I drew the dark mark on my arm.