By The_Unlucky1 - 19/07/2016 03:38
The_Unlucky1 tells us more.
Hey guys! Op here! So, Yeah, haven't been able to find it. I'm sending in my cats to try and look for it, wish me luck!
Top comments
It's too late, just burn your house down
I concur!
The actual monster under your bed
it must be really good at hide and seek
That's why you kill those bastards when you have the chance.
Just to make you feel better, I Work in property management and once you have cockroaches you always have them. Moving doesn't help either. They lay eggs everywhere, get into everything. They live in your appliances walls and plumbing. May as well burn everything you own and start over.
You must be really fun at parties
How about rats? Pesky little *******.
Thanks. I feel much better already.
I'm just telling the truth.
Sorry, Im just telling the truth. Cockroaches are NOT funny.
Don't fret, just put your shoes out in the middle of the floor. Garuntee you'll find the next morning in one
I get the same thing with spiders. I'll stare at it for minutes and it won't move. Then I take my eyes of it for ten seconds to grab a tissue and boom. Gone. Never to be seen again.
Do you not Wash your sheets or something? That's rank.
Cockroaches have legs and can move around ya know
Don't kill it, because then they release an odor that attracts more and they have babies.
Hey guys! Op here! So, Yeah, haven't been able to find it. I'm sending in my cats to try and look for it, wish me luck!
Good luck, OP. Hope you find it.
Hope it doesn't lay eggs... pain in the ass I tell you!
I need a follow up, did you ever find it?
Cry Havoc, and Let Slip the Dogs of War.
Why not give one of my moms dogs a try? She chases and eats bugs, and fights with the cats sometimes to get the mice they catch...Or even for the ones she catches. Not really fun when you almost step on half of one.
#42 can I borrow one of your mom's dogs for my room been getting bit for months and nobody knows what is it
I have three cats. Because of them, I only see about one roach a year. I think your cats will get the job done. But good luck anyway, OP.

It's too late, just burn your house down
That's why you kill those bastards when you have the chance.