By pimples - 06/08/2011 13:08 - Australia

Today, I was going to kiss my girlfriend for the first time. As I leaned in, closed my eyes, and was about to kiss her, she pushed me away and said, "Not with that pimple on your chin." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 494
You deserved it 6 669

guitar_god7007 tells us more.

Wow. It actually got through. Thanks people. Now everyone can laugh at my unfortunate existence. For those of you wondering, it was our first date, I had arranged it by phone, that's why I hadn't kissed her yet. And my pimples grow really big, really quickly...

Top comments


She might have thought you were going too fast, especially if you were on the first date, and quickly come up with the first excuse she could think of. It's too bad that she picked such a hurtful excuse. It's really embarrassing when attention is called to your acne, especially during a moment like that. Don't dump her because of a little incident like that, but if she really is a superficial person, you might be better off with someone else.

just wait for a few more days, and go out on more dates, and see how things going, if she really loves you, she will not care about the pimple that much.

Nuahavizu 17

Pop the pimple, recieve kiss. victory?

#245 and you would know that line because...?

There goes the mood...and you're confidence.

I hope she's hot bc she sounds like a bitch. even then, no one is perfect

fmlbrofml 0

It depends on the size of the pimple... I sound dumb but if it's just forming & just a bump I understand you cant help that yet, but if it's a huge pimple filled with puss & it looks like it could explode, I wouldn't take the chance. Well under circumstances. If it were my boyfriend, I would look at the good in him not, not the acne. Good luck with her OP, she seems like a real winner,(;