By pimples - 06/08/2011 13:08 - Australia

Today, I was going to kiss my girlfriend for the first time. As I leaned in, closed my eyes, and was about to kiss her, she pushed me away and said, "Not with that pimple on your chin." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 494
You deserved it 6 669

guitar_god7007 tells us more.

Wow. It actually got through. Thanks people. Now everyone can laugh at my unfortunate existence. For those of you wondering, it was our first date, I had arranged it by phone, that's why I hadn't kissed her yet. And my pimples grow really big, really quickly...

Top comments


well she has a point pimples are gross and so get rid of it

tell her nkt to be so superficial and get over her fear of pimples if she really did want to kiss the pimple wouldnt habe matterrd although if it looked it was anout to burst in her face she could have asked you poppes it first :)

lolmeli7 0

that's when you say " then pop it for me b!tch"

HunterAlpha1 8

bleh i hate superficial people like that. dump her and find someone more mature.

I'm a girl, and although I would never do that if I liked you, I know tons of girls who would do that for this one reason: they are trying not to kiss you because they don't really like you, and they felt bad for saying no to you when you asked them to be your girlfriend. I really don't like girls sorry dude :(

Dude. If you haven't kissed her yet she's not your girlfriend

I had arranged to go to the movies on the phone the night before. That was the first time I had seen her since I called her

Yeah, i dont think you can consider her your girlfriend if you are on your first date, sorry. I mean, unless you're 12.