By pimples - 06/08/2011 13:08 - Australia

Today, I was going to kiss my girlfriend for the first time. As I leaned in, closed my eyes, and was about to kiss her, she pushed me away and said, "Not with that pimple on your chin." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 494
You deserved it 6 669

guitar_god7007 tells us more.

Wow. It actually got through. Thanks people. Now everyone can laugh at my unfortunate existence. For those of you wondering, it was our first date, I had arranged it by phone, that's why I hadn't kissed her yet. And my pimples grow really big, really quickly...

Top comments


tomboy13 0

Wow that's harsh:( looks shouldn't matter anyway just your personality(:

Harlequin073 6
catnip1997 0

I suggest you dump her. You really don't want to be with someone like that.

Wow. It actually got through. Thanks people. Now everyone can laugh at my unfortunate existence. For those of you wondering, it was our first date, I had arranged it by phone, that's why I hadn't kissed her yet. And my pimples grow really big, really quickly...

zfchatroulette 24

i dont get why people get so bothered by pimples, pretty much every teenager in existence gets them...

How is she your girlfriend if you never even kissed????

lexi_8588 0

greenguitarday13- who wants a girl likke that?! ill answer that no one does

FYL, but if she's not attracted to you I don't think she should feel obliged to kiss you. If you're serious about her, why don't you talk to her about it? My gut feeling says that there's more to it than just that one pimple. NO-ONE is that unreasonable. :p