By Foreigner - 01/08/2011 15:05 - Jersey

Today, I was having a great time shopping with my gran, until she started complaining about all the foreigners ruining our town, and counting each person who didn't look 100% British. It wouldn't even have been so bad if I wasn't adopted into the family, from Russia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 716
You deserved it 3 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry.. Take the comforting words of Rebecca black... Everybody's Russian


You'd think she'd remember that before she started slamming foreigners.

It would've been bad to talk about foreigners "ruining the country" in the first place.

iAintEvenMad 0

On the bright side russian accents are pretty kickass!

in soviet Russia they would do that that to her

MissSunny 6

it "wouldn't have been so bad"? Ur just as much of a cünt as ur grandmother is!

He/She said "it would've been bad"! Read before you insult people!!

vbmg152 I think you need to learn to read actually.. OP said 'It wouldn't even have been so bad'

Look on the bright side, she's probably counting you as British...