By fjafja - 07/03/2009 06:34 - Canada

Today, I was having a one night stand with a guy. He told me he wanted to do it doggie style, I said okay, and as soon as I bent over on the bed, looked at me and said, "Let's do this with the lights off". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 635
You deserved it 13 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ButtFaceFace 1

Having sex with strangers is also a great way to get STDs.

dont call her a *****, a girl is a ***** for ******* a lot of guys but a man is cool and a playa for ******* lots of girls, which doesnt make sense, just leave her alone


hahahaha... appreciate tht guy for not giving up stilll. if i were tht guy , i wud have lost the interest to go further..

Having sex with a person you don't know? You're a loser. You got what you deserved.

Fckmerunnin 0

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ButtFaceFace 1

Having sex with strangers is also a great way to get STDs.

iloveWH 0

I hope you have some sort of self-respect for yourself and decided to leave.

dont call her a *****, a girl is a ***** for ******* a lot of guys but a man is cool and a playa for ******* lots of girls, which doesnt make sense, just leave her alone

#8, think of it this way. If a key can open a lot of locks, it is considered a masterkey. But, if a lock is opened by a lot of keys, it is considered a crappy lock. There, now STFU!

Origami86 6

The OP is an individual and, presumably, an adult. What kind of a sexist neanderthal do you have to be to judge her for having sex? Other people's bodies: not your property, thanks.

Well I think having sex doggy style is very sexy but what would u do when the guy u where with turned around and showed his arse to u... Lol.. Its very natural but just not a really pretty sight..