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By laywer_man - 07/03/2009 06:43 - United States

Today, I couldn't answer almost any of the questions in the game "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?" I'm a 40 year old man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 023
You deserved it 51 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aera_fml 0

The questions on that show don't indicate intelligence. Almost all of the things they ask are about pointless knowledge that nobody truly learns in school. What they test people with is as pointless as a crossword puzzles. Remember, there's a difference between being smart and knowing things.

That show is SO beyond 5th grade. I was watching an episode my junior year of high school, and they asked a question that I had learned less than two weeks prior. And of course the fake 5th grader knew it. Bullshit!


Your lack of intelligence is visible in your submission as well: "couldn't answer almost everyone question." Go back to school.

I noticed that too. The show is so easy I want to scream because of the morons on it. How do they choose them? My parents and I used to joke that they probably select only the applicants who have an IQ of under 50z


and I'm pretty sure a 'lawyer' would be able to spell... lawyer.

Well it also depends from what state the kids are in the show/game. Here in the 2nd dumbest state in America (Texas) I was in fifth grade and realized half that stuff we didn't even learn.

Yea, your grammer stinks but those questions are beyond 5th grade. I have a 5th grader and most of that stuff is way beyond what she is doing....the actual 5th grade questions I mean.

That maybe so but if our children were doing that "advanced work" we wouldn't be so far behind other countries. I was recently in Asia and I learned that for the simplest jobs such as being a bellboy in a hotel or a grocery store clerk you have to have a university degree. I am talking about Thailand so I shudder to think how intellectually short we fall compared to somewhere like China whose kids are in schools from 7am to 9pm if not longer.

edixon0406 3

If I had a degree and the onky jobs I could get were bellboy and grocery store clerk, I would shoot myself. They better be making a shit load of money, otherwise that's absolutely ridiculous and I'm not sure I believe youb

Aera_fml 0

The questions on that show don't indicate intelligence. Almost all of the things they ask are about pointless knowledge that nobody truly learns in school. What they test people with is as pointless as a crossword puzzles. Remember, there's a difference between being smart and knowing things.

Yeah, and your defiantly not smart. Really? " A crossword puzzleS..." get rid of either the a or s.

shyeahh_fml 19

...As you say he's "defiantly not smart." I'm assuming you meant to say "definitely", but I'm not sure here. You may just not know the difference between defiantly and definitely, even though the definitions of the two words are not similar in ANY way.

Or the mix-up between "your" and "you're".

That show is SO beyond 5th grade. I was watching an episode my junior year of high school, and they asked a question that I had learned less than two weeks prior. And of course the fake 5th grader knew it. Bullshit!

jazziness 12

I agree my brother in college was studying some of that stuff!! they're liars!

helen_x 0

Well, I wouldn't doubt that. You can't even write a sentence. Lmfao.

thats pathetic, my 6 year old cousin can answer the questions they ask. Its friggin time tables and questions about america so easy

ianbennett123 0

Actually, you just made a fail aswell. You spelt America wrong. It's a proper noun meaning that it starts with a capital letter.