By halloweed - 16/11/2011 05:27 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend when he suddenly pulls out and says, "Pull my penis." So I pulled his penis and he farted. Then he started doing it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 427
You deserved it 7 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CalCommando 6

Should've gone pull my **** and then qweefed.


Well, atleast i know if my boyfriend says that I should NOT do it.

vip3r20 8

WOW never seen so many comments with negative votes in my life.

weepingangel_fml 7

Whats with all the negative votes on the comments except for on "ding dong the mood is dead?"

You're dating him, you deserve it. After you break up try to find a decent guy without any disgusting habits

You're dating him YDI? What kind of reason is this? -.-"""""" It's like you'd say to someone "he cheated on you, you dated him, YDI" -.-" I guess (obviously) she had no idea what an immature disgusting pig she has for a bf... I suggest she farts when they do doggie xD or yeah, bit him... he'll remember that :)

Girls date jerks and dumb@sses all the time and diss the nice smart guys. So when bad things happen to them they deserve it cuz they had the option to date a nice guy and spat on it.

For some reason I find cool cuz he seems like a keeper... Cute? :/

uhhRawr 7

Holy crap alot of people got voted down!!!

structuredchaoz 4

Sounds like he wanted a good story to tell his friends. The sequel should be the story to why he is now single!

jobsman99 0

You could have had his penis in your mouth literally giving him a ********. He would have said "blow" then he would fart.