By Anonymous - 01/07/2009 19:18 - United States

Today, I was in my new boyfriend's apartment for the first time. As I was flipping through his photo albums, I came across one full of disturbingly candid pictures of me. I found some as early as my trip to the state fair, three years ago. I met my boyfriend two months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 169 436
You deserved it 11 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

looks like he's been stalking you o_O

katekappy 0

Thats creepy!! What did u do??


Ewww!!! Fungus is soo gross! No one likes fungus. You should try getting your nastiness removed..could fungus kill you?

car6435 0

It's weird what happened. but atleast you know he isnt cheating on you and that he actually likes you

ok... here's what you NEED to do for your own safety... first, change the locks (all of them) on your house/apartment. IMMEDIATELY. then go on a double date preferably where you're close with both member of the opposite couple. tell them what's going on and what you're going to do. then break up with him in a very public place. delete him from your facebook, etc. then file a restraining order. if he does anything violating it, he will go to jail. this isn't just a matter of creepy... it's a matter of pyscho, illegal and dangerous. you need to get away from him NOW.

The locks and public place are good advices. The restraining order is okay mostly for legal reasons, but it's worth rubbish. People with restraining orders get murdered by the people they filed against all the time and the cops don't give a crap about anything unless the guy attacked you already and you survived. Otherwise, they're just "yeah, whatever, we're busy, we'll send a car to check on you when we have time". And you're just left to fend for yourself.

it's stories like these that give stalkers like us reason to keep living the dream. Please post again when he gives you a hair pie. Mine's in the oven right now.

you will have to marry him, otherrwise he will keep stalking you you would never get free og him fyl, it´s like the begining of a horror movie =(

That's kind of, uhm... sweet? In a creepy way... I'd advise you to, erh... get him some help. Fast. But be careful in doing it. O.O