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By Anonymous - 18/09/2009 21:31 - United States

Today, I was in my psychology class taking the hardest test ever. After I spent most of the period trying to fill in the few answers that I knew, I looked up to see everyone with their notebooks on their desks. It was an open-note test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 083
You deserved it 58 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jonesy_fml 0

At least you realized and had a chance to add some more answers...


Jonesy_fml 0

At least you realized and had a chance to add some more answers...

AnaMaree 0

YDI for going to school and not smoking crack.


YDI for...being a woman lolz. remember in borat he said the scientists proved women have very small brains? remember? no? well i guess that proves my point..

What, you never read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

arienh4 0

I can't imagine anything more stupid than referencing Borat though.

#18 i would think smoking crack would make her more of an idiot. and it does.

dakrock13 0

ok seriously, all these FMLs are giving women a bad name. STOP BEING DUMBASSES LADIES

That may be true, but organisms with larger brain capacities will generally be smarter. At some point, dolphin intelligence will develop more. Overall, you need a brain to be smart.

I had an open note test last year that I forgot my notes for... I got an A+. op you should just be prepared for tests

jrsgreenfire257 0

25- And your comment proves my comment that most men have about 25% smaller brains than women.

just shut up. this doesn't count, and you know it.

coldplaylive2003 0

you should have written your answers in pirate arrr because today's national pirate day

coldplaylive2003 0

I got to celebrate it early because there's no school tomorrow

why did you post this, it's pathetic and boring and does not register as an F my life. You're ruining this site. please stop posting these. for the love of god, your adolescent mindset does not calculate F My Life's quite yet. That part of your thought process is located in your frontal lobe, and doesn't develop until you're between 18-20 so wait a while longer, and then post something INTERESTING!!!!!!!!

umm...I'm assuming since the person is in a psychology class that they are in college and therefore at least 18 so your logic kinda fails...and although it is their fault for not paying attention, it would suck to realize you just ****** yourself over on an exam like that

a_lazy_day_88 0

actually, psychology is offered in a lot of high schools, just fyi.

TJStarzZ 8

#16-Not truly. If you were really smart, you'd know even some of the simplest high school offer Psychology. You kinda contradicted your own failing logic, so think before you type, hm?

well I was going off of what I've known for High School, and none of them where I'm from offered it. And you have no clue how "truly smart" I am just off of a comment based on my own experience so you might want to think before YOU type. I didn't have the opportunity to take psychology until my freshman year of college, now I've got a BS in genetics.

arienh4 0

The whole comment is still bullshit, according to him we're all acting on instinct until 18-20. I don't know about you, but I'm not acting on instinct.

Look on the bright side: at least it wasn't an intelligence test.

this is stupid, but what the **** happened to the FML about someone feeding their neighbour's cat sliced meat?

Wait, what does that have to do with anything?

delfinofrank 0

Psychology is a bullshit subject, whether in high school or college. The psych major in college is bullshit. Besides the few people who actually have an interest in psychology, most people take up that major so they have no homework/studying to do so they can get drunk every night.

soeasytosay 0

o.0 Wow, I'm so sure. So people who have an interest in psychology have an interest in a bullshit subject that actually helps a lot of people?

piles_of_fail 0

**** you. up the ass. with a chainsaw. Preferably a rusty one. I am majoring in Psychology so I can make a difference in peoples lives, and, for your information, jackass (10) I haven't had a single drink in my entire like, nor do I plan to. I actually volunteer to drive drunk students home. So take your comment and shove it up your ass.

Mata_Hari 0

It's not PSYCHOLOGY in general that's bullshit. That's behavioral psychology. Get your facts straight.

Umm.. I'm a psych major and I'm pretty sure it's harder than anything I've ever had to do in high school. Yeah. Shut your face.

piles_of_fail 0

actually, I already passed that. it was the insult to the psych major in general I was responding to.

k where you not paying attention to your teacher / prof? and you didn't look up at all for "most of the period"?? you deserve it for being oblivious