By sierraisfucked - 02/06/2009 07:55 - United States

Today, I was in Walmart with my mom. I was looking for some CDs I wanted and saw a cute guy. Then he nodded at me and as he started to walk towards me, I hear my name being called over the intercom. Apparently, according to my mom, it was time to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 493
You deserved it 4 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aaaand you didn't think to pretend it wasn't you? Give him a shortened version of your name or something, then get his number and exit (casually) stage left. Too easy.

wow MOMS you must stop with the embaressment.. but then again, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have half of the great fml's on here!


LOL that sucks for you. ? Maybe he was lookin at someone behind you.

grizsta 0

Moms always embaress people

poolshark 0

YDI for buying your music from Wallyworld. Don't support their censorship; it's an attack on our freedom of speech.

elmolewis 0

Sounds like your mom has a sense of humor or you got lost.haha

Arisel 0

Well I'm asumming he didn't know your name so it doesn't matter. You should have pretended it was not calling for you.

primogen18 0

YDI for buying CDs at Wal Mart..

maggie_gxx 0

today i met a really cute girl walmart, and while we were talking a woman came on the loudspeaker telling her daughter it was time to come home. i jokingly asked whose crazy mother would do such a thing. apparently hers would. fml