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Stalker vibes

By liz - 21/05/2009 23:46 - United States

Today, I was walking around Walmart when this cute guy walked by me and winked. I thought he wanted to talk, so I followed him around the store, trying to catch up. Turns out it wasn't a wink, he had something in his eye. He told the security person that a weird girl was stalking him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 116
You deserved it 52 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if he wanted to talk, you wouldn't have to follow him around...he would stop. YDI.

Even if he was actually winking, it probably wouldn't have meant he wanted to talk to you. Way to make yourself seem like a creeper.


if he wanted to talk, you wouldn't have to follow him around...he would stop. YDI.

ydi for interpreting a simple wink as "follow me around and then lets chat" O.o loser

what! I defs don't think she deserved would she know there's something in his eye? being a single girl I probs would have done the same thing but not in a creepy waay aha... yls ! that's embarrassing !!

missbadluk 0

Cause why didn't she just walk up to him. Why FOLLOW someone around a store. Wierdddddddd.

Your stupid abbreviations genuinely make me want to punch you in the esophagus

He could have been interested in some sort of flirtatious chase, I know I would be. But then again, I'm an eccentric.

You shouldn't have been following him. If he wanted to talk, he probably would have stopped and talked

Even if he was actually winking, it probably wouldn't have meant he wanted to talk to you. Way to make yourself seem like a creeper.

If the genders were reversed op would have gone to jail

You can never really tell someones intent with a wink.

SweetestSin 4

I agree with #1 Way too creepy!

We should all get background music. It would make everything so much clearer.

sunshyne84_fml 0

Don't be so desperate. If he really wanted you he would have spoken to you.

Because the first sign of wanting to talk is walking away.