By Kotlopou - 10/04/2018 19:00 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I was incredibly bored during a long bus journey, so I played chess against my e-book reader. On the lowest difficulty. I lost 27 times in a row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 430
You deserved it 945

Top comments

CrazyTrainWreck 19

After that many losses are you feeling a pain in your chess?

ChromoTec 24

I feel you. I suck at chess too


ChromoTec 24

I feel you. I suck at chess too

I wouldn't consider this an FML. More like Im Pissed Off

Hmm. The better chess programs have a Pity Mode that lets even the worst players win after many consecutive defeats on the lowest level. You should invest in one of those to boost your flagging self-esteem.

You mean the 23rd time isn't the charm? Damn. I though it just took a while for my brain to get warmed up.

CrazyTrainWreck 19

After that many losses are you feeling a pain in your chess?

Chris R 14

That's ok, my mom has mis-named all the pieces. the bishop is called the Muppet head guy and knights are horsey dudes.

Reminds me of the old joke where a man taught his dog to play chess. His friend thought the dog was really smart. "Not really. He's lost three times today."

Lobby_Bee 17

Try Minesweeper, it's easier in general and just as much fun.

Donut_Wizard 23

And that’s the moment you realized that you were actually playing Battleship.