By bluhbluhbluh - 06/10/2018 22:11

Today, I was informed that I had to repeat a freshman course that I aced because of a glitch in the system. I'm a senior now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 626
You deserved it 190

bluhbluhbluh tells us more.

bluhbluhbluh 14

it's college. I tried to work it out so that I only did the exams but they rejected my request. about four months of doing paperwork and trying to solve the problem down the drain. :/

Top comments

At least you know you can pass it again. In future, keep a look out for anything you would consider to be dejá vu, because that means there's a glitch in the Matrix, and you'll have to do the course a third time.

I read an article about this is legal fleecing scam done by some colleges depending on where you live you'll need to get legal help as long as you have physical proof you passed the course🤔🙄😒


Which college? So I know to advise in avoiding.