WTF dude?

By Bug5992 - 09/12/2012 22:46 - United States - Kent

Today, I was getting intimate with my current booty-call when he thought it would be funny to make animal sounds. He "baa-ed", "moo-ed", and "gobbled" until losing his erection from intense laughter, leaving me there very confused and unsatisfied. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 873
You deserved it 10 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not very amoosing for you? You picked a baad choice for a bootycall then. You udder reconsider picking your partners without doing a baackground check, so that they don't pull the wool over your eyes like that again and leave you unsatisfied. Don't be the kind of Chick that clucks with foul cocks.


Well he seems like a very interesting person.

His name wouldn't happen to be Old McDonald?

His animal noises entertained him far more than her puss ever could.

Okay I will admit that my comment wasn't very funny."Thumbs down self own comment because it sucked". BTW I couldn't tell I was first.(damn visual disability ).

It's okay kyubey, some people can't understand you until they make the contract. Then everything will be in balance :)

Oh well at least I'm still cute and fuzzy. I'm not evil (Gen said so at Sakuracon ).

I guess that's what happens when you have "bootycalls".

CallMeMcFeelii 13

August burns red is amazing live. I saw them at their hometown show with a few friends. Met their drummer and his mom haha. Pennsylvania's hardcore scene is pretty tight.

moo /mo͞o/ Verb Make the characteristic deep vocal sound of a cow. Noun A sound of this kind. Synonyms verb. low - bellow - roar noun. low - bellow - mooing Do you understand now?

Kallian_fml 21

Thank you 22. I understand now.

3- Being an educator u need to teach kids how cows, horses, sheep, elephants.. sound. They usually are taught in kindergarten. *Moo*

Kallian_fml 21

Being an educator, my opinion is that animal sounds are something kids pick up on pretty quickly from their parents and the environment. I have better things to teach in my classroom than 'The cow says Moo'.

Cows say murr not moo, try it and you will see

Yes, because people tend to keep their clothes on while having sex, especially those damn-sexy farmer-style overalls.

Anti666 17

Ooooh. That's the worst thing that could happen to anyone. Ever!

Nope. There are worse things, like the booty call being a vampire and not being able to have an erection at all.

I guess you haven't been on this site very long, plenty of worse things have been posted. Anyone remember "be my baby's daddy" ?

You know, I wonder if the "be my baby's daddy" girl ever actually got pregnant from that...

I too would like that OP to post whether or not he has to pay child support. Any more inquiring minds?

Who knows? Maybe the "be my baby's daddy" girl already had twins and named them after hobbits from The Lord of the rings.


12 - that was a little off the wall... What are you referencing in which vampires cannot achieve erection?


I mean 21. If only I were blonde or dyslexic... Then I'd have an excuse.

64- in Anne Rice's vampire chronicles the vampires cannot get erections due to the legend of how the vampires were created.

5- really i heard the holocaust was pretty bad

You are ******* ignorant, 66. Go shoot your leg. The majority of blondes are not dumb.

What a disappointment -__-. Time for a new booty call!

Call of booty: 2 black.. You know what, never mind.

blcksocks 19

Keep him lingering and do the chicken dance next time when he is really horny. Might not be the best revenge if he is into it though but those chances are slim.


Well, if you're into **********, he's on the right track. Either way, you can now officially say you got bwack blocked.

Not very amoosing for you? You picked a baad choice for a bootycall then. You udder reconsider picking your partners without doing a baackground check, so that they don't pull the wool over your eyes like that again and leave you unsatisfied. Don't be the kind of Chick that clucks with foul cocks.

Kallian_fml 21

With all those puns it seems wrong to say foul instead of fowl.


To her credit, how could she have known he'd baather to put that much energy into cockblocking himself? Hopefully he won't Croak a virgin because of his obsession with animal noises.

senor_awesome 14

Oh come on now, don't get her feathers in a ruffle. She has already stated that he may well be an ass. Maybe her inner voice is already a little horse from yelling neigh to anymore action. I see no need to nag her further.

I did actually mean fowl sorry, I've always had a problem between the spelling of the two, admittedly. 17- I guess that's what she gets for looking for such sheep thrills from a bootycall. OP, I hope ewe learned you lesson- it's a misteak to take bootycalls on without checking up the people first. The next guy cud have weird beef, or have a paltry member.


31 - You cown't say she's entirely free. There's some foalt that falls on her shoulders. But you're right. Guys, donkeyp harassing her.


One last note. Gotta admit his motto is good "If you aren't hung like a horse, be sung like a horse."

senor_awesome 14

45- if he was so hung, he would've plowed right into her. Anyway, OP does need to find someone who can properly work her tractor.

I was gonna reply with a pun but.... No. Just no.

klovemachine 24

It appears he forgot the ****-a-doodle-doo Edit: bah, pleonasm kinda beat me to the **** pun, and made a better attempt at it >.


Hey don't worry. Pleonasm is just good, Neigh, the best at puns.