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By gooddriver - 15/10/2009 03:18 - United States

Today, I was involved in a wreck. How quickly did the police arrive at the scene? Very quickly, considering he was the one who rear-ended me at a red light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 742
You deserved it 2 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hmm...u should probably walk over to him an say "License and registration please"

he can't issue a ticket if he's involved... another cop should come.


Awesome! Let's hope he/she doesn't ticket you for going over a red light.

how this an fml? unless something bad happened after this, this is just average life.

Veritas143 0

Yeah I dont really understand why this is an FML other than the fact that you have a hit car. Either way its the cops fault..95% fender benders are considered the person in the back's fault according to a survey I just made up for this statement. You'll be fine.

ya i hope he wasnt one of those assholes who gave u a ticket

zackk5 0

this is an fml cause it's on the site. herkadurr.

If you read it carefully it says the police rear-ended him.

he can't issue a ticket if he's involved... another cop should come.

yea I agree or u can issue a complaint or something

lizzilla8297 2
superangryandy 2

Yeah totally.< really. Just really. That's sad.

Do not sign anything. Call an attorney. NOW. IANAL, but typically when you are rear ended, you are not at fault unless the other party can prove gross negligence. Being police officers, their word will be taken as fact in a court of law. You need to get an attorney immediately to protect yourself.

daniivanity 0

Yeah that's what I was thinking. Cops are good to have but I don't always trust them.

hmm...u should probably walk over to him an say "License and registration please"

dahlia_springs 0

haha you got "rear ended". how's your asshole now?

Inked2009 0

You are a completely ignorant fool,go get a life.

You have my sympathy. They will definitely try to blame you. In my area, the police union would get involved to be sure the cops record remained clean.

I'm pretty sure their insurance going up because of a collision (their fault or not) makes it a big deal. Insurance is expensive as hell man

Were there any eye witnesses? At any rate, check to see the laws in your area about being hit from the rear. I know Florida has a No-Fault Law, wherein you are not at fault for any collision where the other driver strikes you from the rear.