By SensitiveTech - 26/11/2018 12:00

Today, I was loving on a dog at work. I noticed her fur was coarse and short and I'd never felt anything like it before. I broke out in hives all over my face. This happens whenever I'm around any cats, guinea pigs, or rabbits and now some dogs apparently. I'm in school to be a vet tech. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 693
You deserved it 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bumble Bee 1

You could look into specialising in birds, reptiles, amphibians or fish. You do get specific sanctuaries for one type of animal like birds of prey or reptiles and they do need vets and vet tech. You don't have to give up on working with all animals.

whatshername?! 39

This sounds like a way more intimate contact than I thought would be necessary for a vet tech. However, maybe you should overthink your choice of profession and choose a different field.


i think most people pet animals with their hands but i guess your face works, too

ViviMage 39

I was a pretty brilliant phlebotomist and knew all the tests, all the different draw methods, I could do it painlessly. People loved me. And of course I aced my coursework and practicum. I'm allergic to the damned latex gloves and went into shock drawing a patient, and by the time it was more commonplace to use vinyl, I got a job that pays more! I had to rebuild and adapt that all the time I spent on phlebotomy was basically worthless. You may want to work only with birds/reptiles/fish.

Mungolikecandy 19

"Loving on a dog"? I hope it was consensual.

Vets /vet techs who work with horses are in high demand and well paid.

I'd put up with it lol still better than humans!

there is a woeful lack of veterinarians that work with less traditionally cute animals. I have basically had to learn to provide nearly clinic level care for my reptiles and I'm not the only one. use this as an opportunity to do a serious good in the world. take on birds, amphibians, reptiles, and other exotic pets and you may find a surprising demand for the specialization if you get a good reputation out there.

I had to re-read the first sentence, because "I was loving on a dog at work" just sounds wrong. :O