By unsatisfied - 29/11/2010 12:13 - Australia

Today, I was lying in bed listening to my neighbors have loud, and what sounded like, enjoyable sex. My boyfriend rolled over and said, "she sounds like fun" before rolling back over and going to sleep. It's been four months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 661
You deserved it 6 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blazed562 0

Go buy an $80 vibrator. That'll make him more competitive. :)


lqbabie 0

tell him your DTF :) that will work!

If he's still asleep after four months, he's dead.

deniser 1

you should've said, "he must know what he's doing" :D

chris2065 0

hahaha you should put out more.

me and my boyfriend could never come close to going that long without sex.

Geez really? B creative and do something sexy and inventive. Find out what he likes. Does he like food and heels? Cook for him in heels and an apron, be unique.

You obviously did something to deserve that.

Something sounds very fishy here. Hell, I can't go more than a few days without feeling the desire to lay the pipe. Either he finds you unattractive or has something else on the side or both.

Sometimes guys get it in their head that you aren't interested. If you say not right now, or not tonight enough times they will stop asking or trying. If you turn him down enough he will just assume the answer is always "no". Now you have to resolve it by asking him and trying to get him turned on.

kinda sounds like he's been cheating. hasn't been with u for 4 months and now he's making comment on another woman. sorry OP, maybe you should look else where? or talk to him about your feelings. you know, guys can't read our minds. just like we can't read theirs