By Anonymous - 08/04/2011 23:42 - United States

By Anonymous - 08/04/2011 23:42 - United States
By screamer - 02/09/2012 06:41 - United States - Paso Robles
By uhoh - 16/02/2013 05:27 - Canada - Sechelt
By whoawhoawhoa - 28/12/2010 22:04 - Canada
By unsatisfied - 29/11/2010 12:13 - Australia
By Volume_control - 10/11/2009 14:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/09/2024 19:00 - United Kingdom
By ehbe - 27/11/2008 08:52 - France
By holler - 15/09/2011 04:22 - Japan
By 504-A1 - 11/05/2012 22:02 - Canada - Barrie
By Mia - 20/08/2014 06:07 - United States - Astoria
the same effect i have on them bitches
Ball gags were invented for a reason. :O If you were that loud I'm suprised the BF's ears aren't bleeding... or are they? O_o buy a ball gag or get sound proof walls and **** away!
your boyfriend is one lucky guy to have a screamer like you. I'm jealous
your neighbors are dumb-asses
That was pathetic. I hope you feel stupid.
sounds like me and my boyfriend and yes they deserve medals
Cash or credit?
I **** right in my pants everytime your next to me, and when we're holding hands it's like havin sex with me, you say I'm premature I just call it ecstasy, I wear a rubber at all times it's a necessity
Well we all know OP just had sex, and it felt so good. She let him put his penis inside her.
She let him wear his chain and his turtle-neck sweater
Hey atleast it was good?
@bgawne: Stop. Just stop, before I turn you into an inverted colon.
39 you spelt sirin wrong.
So did you. There's a capital S in Sirin. Nice try =)
They say spelt in England. I'm pretty sure "spelled" is just another American thing.
r u guys really arguing over this?!?!?
nah spelled is spelled "spelled" words is spelled "words"
Stop spelling spelled when we all know the true pure spelling is spelt. Nice try. xD
The dictionary has been lying to me? Noooouuu!
Spelt.S.P.E.L.T. SPELT!
Spelled and spelt are both acceptable. Now away with you.
I'm American and I like the world 'spelt' better. I also like to write 'theatre'. :D
"Oh god, what have I started?" comes to mind.
stupidest, not most stupidest :p
102 - there is an American writing system and there is a British writing system. there is also learnt and learned, etc...
152- Thank you it is the most irritating thing when people spell it in the wrong form:)
see what you did Sirin! lol! happy now ******* there is a capital.
Who effing cares what words are capitalized or not?!
Spelt is correct and so is spelled whats the big deal with the proper way of spelling and grammar. Everyone does things differently.
"their" isn't a group of people, it's BELONGING to a group of people... I just went there... and I CAME BACK! >:C
*47,000,000 thumbs up* |the kid|
An awkward silence then a "There's room for a couple more!"
wailing? what?
I didn't mean i didn't know what it meant, rather who the hell says they were wailing during sex?
lmao win #19 :)
You need to give your bf a medal!
CTFD! Making some noise can be genuine, but when you get to that decibel level, it just sounds fake. The neighbors called the cops to stop a defrauding in progress.