By Anon - 08/11/2010 18:34 - Singapore

Today, I was making out with my boyfriend. He got a text and reached over to get his phone. In the process, he elbowed my face and busted my lip. He laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 029
You deserved it 4 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should definitely break up with him. He should've said "Sorry" instead of him laughing at you. If he's gonna laugh at you for being injured, he is being a cruel bastard.


HeaRTs_Girl 0

#11: Haha, good one. OP: Your boyfriend is kind of a dick. Good luck with that one. I remember once when my boyfriend elbowed me in the nose, he didn't laugh or even crack a smile, he made sure nothing was bleeding or broken and hugged me till I felt better. Find his clone, you can't have mine. :-P

I would've elbowed him back as he was laughing! [:

awsomeroncat22 0

omg all of these comments are junk u need to just dump his sorry ass

Mariah162 0

Well, when it comes to guys and they're phones I suggest you back up a little..