By Anon - 08/11/2010 18:34 - Singapore

Today, I was making out with my boyfriend. He got a text and reached over to get his phone. In the process, he elbowed my face and busted my lip. He laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 029
You deserved it 4 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should definitely break up with him. He should've said "Sorry" instead of him laughing at you. If he's gonna laugh at you for being injured, he is being a cruel bastard.


sinnedrebel 0

dunno what is it, but sometimes it's hard to resist laughing in such situations. one time I was like waiting for the bus and two people started fighting in the street and even that...

zackkmann21 0

what a douche for answering a text while making out.

that's great a text message is more important than you. short term relationship?

OP's Bf must play Mw2 alot to have aim such as that. -_- Snipers.

awwww!!! that's so mean!!!! u should dump his ass (or at least make him suffer) oh, I. know! you should have slaped him!!!!

thrAsHeRr9081 16
RedPillSucks 31

OP, your boyfriend fails at multitasking. He should have been able to flip out his phone and read the text with the phone behind your back, while using the other hand to unsnap your bra and panties, and putting on his condom.

You are either a pimp/player or octopus, RedPill!

RedPillSucks 31

They call me Octo-Pimp, back at the lab. Playa, not so much, but I can satisfy 8 at once, or one eight times.