By Anon - 08/11/2010 18:34 - Singapore

Today, I was making out with my boyfriend. He got a text and reached over to get his phone. In the process, he elbowed my face and busted my lip. He laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 038
You deserved it 4 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should definitely break up with him. He should've said "Sorry" instead of him laughing at you. If he's gonna laugh at you for being injured, he is being a cruel bastard.


KiddNYC1O 20

First to reply to #1? Yes, Jim10, congratulations.

so_unlucky89765 4
MissErikaHart 0

#2 fail. He checked his phone while making out with you? That's the real FML!

That happened to me once, except he elbowed me in the boob.. :/

omgwork 0

she's prob flat chested so it doesn't count

#3 Are you sure he didn't do that on purpose?

Aw come on #50....don't make fun if her flat chest. She's still just a kid. Give her some time to grow.

harry_potter_luv 0

ouch I hope no lip bleeding? haha it is rather funny though :P

You should definitely break up with him. He should've said "Sorry" instead of him laughing at you. If he's gonna laugh at you for being injured, he is being a cruel bastard.

RedPillSucks 31

Typical asshole man. Dump him.

wowow wait a second. I thought that redpillsucks would have a much higher voice. (black ppl have lower voices, it's not raceist it's a fact of life.) it's ok I love you regardless of your masculine voice.

DocBastard's rule #12 - If an FML contains a comment such as those on DocBastard's profile, said user will reply, owning you in the process.

lol why are you so fast to judge ?

Fortuitous 0

"lik omg im mking out w/ my gf it its ttly hot dude. i mite get to have sexes w/ her! l8r dad. ily" "There is more than one reason why that won't happen."