By justdoingmyjob - 18/07/2009 20:10 - United States

Today, I was meeting the mayor of a major city as part of an internship program. Seated directly in front of him during his presentation on the budget crisis, he unleashed an enormous, foul fart in front of the entire audience. And then blamed it on me, everyone believed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 411
You deserved it 3 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments


this FML is ridiculously farfetched. like; whatthefuck.

Guitarist45 0
WolfgangDS 0

My reaction would have been as follows: "Dude, what kind of a leader are you, you can't even take the blame for your own hot air? Yeesh, no wonder you're not gonna get reelected. Screw the internship, I'm outta here."

Decoderma 0

hell if i were you i would have openely admited it was me and score major points with the Major for taking the heat on that incidet

I would have falcon kicked the guy in the nuts

I hope this was Mayor Manny Diaz of Miami.