By justdoingmyjob - 18/07/2009 20:10 - United States

Today, I was meeting the mayor of a major city as part of an internship program. Seated directly in front of him during his presentation on the budget crisis, he unleashed an enormous, foul fart in front of the entire audience. And then blamed it on me, everyone believed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 411
You deserved it 3 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments


"Seated directly in front of him during his presentation on the budget crisis" How?? Not totally calling fake, but wouldn't he have been on stage/at a podium, so how do you sit in front of him in a way that he could actually point at you realistically??

Um, like this: mayor at podium giving presentation: *farts* OP sitting in FRONT ROW of audience, middle seat: *thinking* ew, thats gross mayor: *points directly in front of him at OP* it was him!

don't worry bb they probably all knew it was him

nobeans6131 0

hey know you're known! you're on your way up my friend.

pinkpikachu 0

Well, he's a politician. What'd you expect?

Dashiell 0

goddamn democrats and their dishonest ways

Seattle...And did he call the cops on you because you bought a car from a Jewelry store Robber, and the cops took your engagement ring as evidence when they arrested you? Today the Pacific NW Smells like Bullshit.

caltain 0

That's politics. Hot air, foul noise, and blaming the other guy.

hairspray666 0

Thanks, #43, for the play-by-play.