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By Anonymous - 16/09/2014 14:34 - United States - Wallingford

Today, I was mugged. I saw a cop car in the aftermath and flagged it down. Unfortunately, when the cops stopped the mugger, he said he'd been running away because I tried to mug him. Apparently the fact that he was "well-dressed" and I wasn't means he was telling the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 079
You deserved it 3 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some cops are just judgmental people. Sorry to hear that they didn't believe you, hope they realized and got your stuff back.

It makes no sense to judge based on how well-dressed somebody looks though. It's easy to buy expensive clothes when you're stealing other people's money, look at any politician.


Some cops are just judgmental people. Sorry to hear that they didn't believe you, hope they realized and got your stuff back.

Roskosity 22

Okay, but who isn't judgmental these days? Isn't it the norm?

It makes no sense to judge based on how well-dressed somebody looks though. It's easy to buy expensive clothes when you're stealing other people's money, look at any politician.

Tawnkat 13

@ #48: You, my friend, are ******* awesome. High ten for that comment.

Just because the norm is being an asshole doesn't make it alright.

Roskosity 22

Wasn't condoning it. Just stating it, but there you go judging me. HONY is a great blog that helps see the world from the point of view of other cultures and people that would otherwise continue being misunderstood. I find it lessens the asshole-gene in most people. Maybe you all should check it out too.

Is op black? That may explain some things

This is a bit confusing, if you was mugged how can the mugger blame it on you?, I mean if he mugged anything belongs to you (phone, wallet) you can easily prove it by asking the cops to search him?

The sad way this world works... So sorry for you OP!

I think, rather, the cop over-relied on his eyes rather than brain.

23lf 16

Out with the racial stereotypes, and in with the economic stereotypes. It sucks OP, but that's just how this country is.

sadly, i don't think the racial stereotypes are going away anytime soon :/

We shouldn't accept it. We shouldn't say that it will always be that way. As corny as it sounds, if we don't tolerate it, it'll happen less often.One group of kids came up with an app where you can rate your interaction with individual cops and police stations. I'm not saying racism and stereotypes can be eradicated, but we can create more laws to help protect minorities.

Its a mugger-mug-mugger world out there.

nataliewby 25

I'm sorry to hear you got mugged OP, but at least you got your FML published! Hopefully you ended up getting your belongings back though, FYL indeed

how is the consolation of getting an FML published supposed to make OP feel better about losing their stuff?

AtypicalJew333 12

If you had posted this FML would you rather it weren't published?

Because sometimes, you just have to celebrate the little victories in this cruel world.

What if he was wearing the expensive stuff you had and he mugged?

That's exactly what happened. Well dressed men never lie.

Did he steal your full wallet? If so have them look at the license.