FML for mobile
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We could be heroes…

By Fired - 08/04/2011 11:58

Today, I stepped outside my office building for a smoke break and I witnessed a mugging so I ran over to stop it. I succeeded in getting mugged instead of the original target. I then couldn't get into my building until a coworker left an hour later. My boss was mad and still doesn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 106
You deserved it 5 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know your name, it's Clark Can't, or is it Bruise Wayne?

Ummmmyeah 0

well at least you prevented the original target from getting mugged.


Ummmmyeah 0

well at least you prevented the original target from getting mugged.

Did you call the police to report the mugging?? If so, there would BE a police report which you could show your boss and then your boss would have to believe you. If you didnt call the police well, YDI!! STOP smoking too YDI!!

thats why i always carry around used needles. a mugger tried to mug me and i whiped out my needle, what then ensued was a needle fight between me and him, it was like zorro but with needles and not swords. anyway i managed to stun the mugger with a dirty bandaid and got the upper hand. lets just say he will have to use straw to eat from now on

14 Nice use of words. And sure he can smoke if he wants but when he gets cancer, or when his 2nd hand smoke affects someone elses health like if he has a child, then I dont want to hear a sob story. You smoke, you suffer with the consequences(sp)! If he didnt go out for a smoke, there would NOT be an FML for him to post!

mz_booty 0

sometimes it's best to watch people getting mugged because u never know super granny with her handbag might come running down the road and bash them instead hahaha

Why would you try to stop an armed violent criminal unarmed? You probably deserve it, you should've put to use your second amendment right and shot that mofo.(:

but they probably didn't prevent the other target as well. if you're a mugger, and you're mugging someone, and suddenly someone else comes running up, you don't just mug one of them, you mug both.

suckmyyoda3 0

I don't believe you at all.

I would have put my smoke out in his eye, that would learn him!:)

fanoftheDOC 0

You should go back to school, maybe that will "learn" you

ICaughtFire 4

@kaylanicole1255 - Waa Waa. Another "your smoking effects everyone else" story. If OP smokes, he/she obviously knows the consequences. You have no right to tell someone to "stop" smoking. Really, if someone wants to slowly commit suicide, yellow their teeth, make their voice raspy, and smell like an ashtray, then by all means, leave them be.

Sprocket 5

I agree w/ 56. And at that wahwah person... Smoking is a no in my relationships, but I wouldn't go psycho and tell them getting mugged is their fault. That is like people saying it is my fault I get tormented for "choosing" to be gay... who cares what I or anyone does with life--- OH WAIT, your solo crusade cares!

gutzz 0

see kids.... this FML proves karma exists :p

KiddNYC1O 20

31- How does her right to hang a pair of bear arms on her wall help her in this situation? (let's see who gets this reference)

KiddNYC1O 20
laurbear12 3
JustChillinXD 6
sharpshooterace 3

and thats another reason why you shouldnt smoke, ydi

if he hadn't went out to smoke he wouldn't had helped that person. plus a lot of people smoke. I doubt that it is karma from that...

gutzz 0

haha, a lot of people smoke, you're right, that makes it ok. and maybe they mugged someone for their cigarettes cuz they couldn't afford them! quit smoking, don't get mugged.

TheDrifter 23

Alternate fml... op goes outside at the end of the day and finds a dead man in sight of the buildings smoking area. Marginally better day for him, still an fml. Maybe the man who he tried to help will buy him a beer next time they meet.

WTF, this guy tries to help someone out, and all half of you guys can say is "lolololol ydi fur smokin, taht sheetz bad 4 u." yes, everyone over knows, please pull your heads out of your asses.

FFAffliction 0
RedPillSucks 31

Did you call the police? A police report might go a long way in convincing your boss.

sailorzoe 14

So is tacky butterfly graphics.

So are tacky tattoos. I like this game :)

captain Morgan is ******* awesome. lol.

gutzz 0

stewie with the best combo breaker in a while!

sailorzoe 14

considering the fact that all my tattoos are from award winning artists, fail on you. fyl.

yes a police report would help, plus if you give the cops a description they can look for this guy you retard

you know what they say about people trying to be heros... they die... lucky you were fortunate it was an angry black man

dumbest possible thing to do when seeing someone getting mugged is running towards them yourself. you could a) get yourself killed b) get both of you killed because the mugger psyched out c) get mugged yourself... just yell out loud next time from distance, most muggers freak out when they start drawing too much attention and run away.. and then call the cops. OR if you are John wayne Rambo style, take your gun and keep it pointed at him till the cops arrive and if needed fire a non lethal shot if he wants to run!