By RogerReady - 31/01/2009 05:37 - United States

Today, I was offered a job. It only took me a year and 17 interviews to get an offer, and I have a PhD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 443
You deserved it 3 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the_colonel 0

Well shit, I only have a Bachelor's. Looks like about four years and 302 interviews for me, assuming I can even get an interview.

PhD, 3000 applications, 10 interviews. 5 years and counting. Still working as a messenger.


A PHD is meaningless if you got it in something stupid, not to say thats what you did but consider the fact that you may have wasted a massive part of you life and money getting a worthless education,

If everybody has a college degree, it's worthless. Sorry for the harsh reality OP

I just got out of high school, and have my own company that is on the Forbes 100000 list

uchua 16

What is your PhD in? Art? Philosophy? Maybe no one will hire you because your skillset is garbage. Still FYL for being in so much crippling school debt.

PhD = Please hire. Desperate. I just defended mine and I feel that is what my future might look like ;)