By rollerSWEETness - 03/06/2009 15:16 - United States
Top comments
You were just trying to be nice. FYL.
you should've started screaming to him to hang on because the bar/harness wasn't latched down anymore.
LOL what roller coster was it?
LOL u shit bag
haha now whenever he is on a rollercoaster and somebody throws their hands up he will start freaking out and crying good job
Haha how sad
he shouldn't of gone on it if he was going to freak out. and to all of you saying things like, who the **** puts their hands up to cheer someone up--obviously the OP was trying to show the kid it was fun. Stop being such idiots, please.
if the kid was terrified of roller coasters, he obviously shouldnt've gone on it. HDI. and to all of you saying why the **** would you throw your arms up to cheer somebody up, the OP obviously wanted to show him that it was fun and not scary. So stop being hypercritical idiots, OK?
Wow... why did you think throwing your hands in the air would cheer him up?
Yes indeed, why would you sticking your hands in the air cheer up a 13 year old boy?