By wtf - 12/07/2009 16:20 - United States

Today, I was on my girlfriend's computer. When searching on google, her browsing history popped up. The first thing was "Best positions for a small penis." FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 024
You deserved it 14 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who cares? If you have a small penis, so what. She obviously doesn't care that much as she hasn't left you and is looking for ways to make the sex enjoyable despite it. She also never was rude enough to say it to your face. She's a keeper.

well at least she's trying to work with it...she could have just dumped you and moved on to someone with a bigger penis. And she didn't bring it up to you and make you feel bad about it, sounds like she was trying to overcome something that could negatively affect your sex life because she loves you enough to stay with you. FYL though for having that small of a penis.


haha that sucks for you. Go to this website They have products that will make your penis bigger and hopefully you and your girlfriend will have a better sex life. LMAO!

morons, it never said that he used google? it just said he checked the history

When an FML says "when using google," people generally take it to mean that the OP was using google.

Even if she was looking it up, you should say your life is ******. She wants to make your sex life good, silly. Be grateful!

That sucks your girlfriend has a small penis bwhahaha.

Not really an FML. It would be an FML if you had an 11 inch ****. You deserve it for not being mentally secure enough to deal with your small penis

StraightUpFdUp 0

Well at least you know she's sticking with you small penis or not, she's tryin to make it work =) lol

Megasadface 0

Well I can understand why it would kind of suck for you to find out that's what she thinks, but just like everyone says, at least she's understanding, and not some bitch who would leave you or make fun of you for it. Plus, it doesn't necessarily mean you have a small penis. Different girls are used to different things. To some girls, an 8-inch dick may be average according to their experiences, and may be anything smaller than that is considered small. Just try and be optimistic on the situation.

I've heard that there are products to help with penis size. If only there was a way for news of those products to reach consumers.

She's tryna improve it! at least shes not gunna kick you out cos of it! it could be worse!

kellster 2

Is this an FML because you have a small penis? What, did you not know? Please tell me that you're not actually upset because your girlfriend is trying to figure out how the hell to extract a little pleasure from your tiny dick, and was nice enough to not bring the issue up with you at all, much less in an insulting or hurtful way! It's not her fault your penis is so wee she can't even feel it!