By fuck the fucking cops - 16/03/2012 18:41 - Belgium

Today, I was on the bus, when the inspector asked to see my ticket. I couldn't find it, and ended up being kicked off the bus while a few of the other passengers jeered at me. I found my ticket on the long walk home, buried in my pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 902
You deserved it 4 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jillianmathers12 13

That really sucks! At least you got some exercise!

that really sucks! Guess you should be more careful with your ticket next time.


What is the one most important thing you have when you take the bus or train? Your ticket! Don't put it away, have it next to you in your hand or in a pocket where you always KNOW it is.. YDI for not having that simple thing under control.

You make it sound like you have a junk yard in the abandoned wasteland you call your pocket. Also, why'd the other passengers jeer when he kicked you off? Even more important: does that really contribute to the FML?

CSprinkles 5

Need it, but can't find it. Found it!.. But don't need it. Ah, how wonderful life is ;) lol.

YDI. Organize yourself OP. Can't find your own bus ticket because it was right where you put it? Really? Unless you get your shit together, life is going to be full of long walks.

Reminds me of that one spongebob episode..

In England they give us tickets when we get on, but unless it's a return you don't actually need. If you already have a ticket when you get on, you show it to them and they stamp/ punch a hole in it, it's never actually checked once you're on the bus. @#41 it's nothing to do with being "organized", I have a terrible short term memory and can forget something meres second after I've done it, nothing you can do about that.

Should have put it in your wallet or something. :/