By Fattymuch - 14/09/2011 14:27 - India

Today, I was online looking up ways to lose weight, get thinner and be healthier, all the while eating a slab of brownie that was half the size of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 965
You deserved it 51 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omnomnom don't fight it, brownies are amazing.

candicurl 9

Looks like that diet * puts on sunglasses* will have to weight. YEAAAAAHHHHHHH


Eat, sleep and be merry and tomorrow we diet!!!!

xxhailstorm18759 7

Yeah, you are a total genius.

An FML because you can't control what you shove down your gullet?? That's absurd. Relax fatty and get some will power.

loserboii 11

Eat a fiber one bar instead lol thats the way you have to go and exercise! There is a solution to everything

Chris20003 17

Tip number 1: Do not eat a whole slab of brownies to yourself.