By Fattymuch - 14/09/2011 14:27 - India

Today, I was online looking up ways to lose weight, get thinner and be healthier, all the while eating a slab of brownie that was half the size of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 965
You deserved it 51 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omnomnom don't fight it, brownies are amazing.

candicurl 9

Looks like that diet * puts on sunglasses* will have to weight. YEAAAAAHHHHHHH


There's this diet called the Non-American. Instead of wishing you'd loose weight, you get up and do something.

briissocoollike 8

I haven't eaten chocolate in 2 weeks and won't till thanksgiving, besides the fact I'm keeping one piece of my Halloween candy and selling the rest to my dentist, just so I can eat the peanut butter chocolate pretzels and the caramel-chocolate-toasted coconut balls I ordered guilt free. I'm the most unathletic person I know, yet I'm doing soccer now and planning to do a sport ever season and join a camp over the summer. I've lost 12 pounds since my last physical and going for more. OP I'm 13. If I can take this much control over my health at my age, you can defiantly. Don't give up!:)

without seeing your weight, you sound like an anorexic. there is nothing wrong with chocolate itself, there is something wrong with an overall unhealthy diet and no exercise.

No sarcasm whatsoever, I genuinely appreciate your concern. I'm not anorexic, I was actually a really fat kid from about when I was 9-12. Right now I stand at 5'3 and weigh 126, but I still have a big gut and big thighs. Ik I sound like it, but for dinner I had 3 tacos, so I'm not really super mega over board with a diet. The chocolate thing is just my way of trying to stay balanced. :)

ShroomsOnAcid 16

102 , What? How the hell does she sound even remotely anorexic? Do you know what anorexia is? 122 Keep doing what you're doing, it's nice to see kids your age giving a crap about their health and doing something about it! Just be sure not to overdo it :).

thiscrazything 1

Sorry I commented the same thing twice so I'm making the second one say something random:P

ukrage 1

Ur way better than me at that age I was 165 and 5'2 I'm now 5'5 and thanks to high school wrestling (which I highly suggest for fat ppl) I'm 135 lb of pure muscle and have had a six pack since sophomore year so I hope u follow that in highschool

I am a firefighter. I got into it to help people and save lives. But at least once a month I have to help move some fat bastard who has let themselves go to an obscene degree. After you people reach a certain weight you should be put in camps until it comes off. Disgusting.

ukrage 1

Wow he posted this on fml haha Looks like this guy *puts on glasses* is a glutton for punishment. YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

structuredchaoz 4