By AkGirl1991 - 11/03/2012 11:33 - United States

Today, I was opening a present my boyfriend got me for my 21st birthday. What I unwrapped was a Kay jewelers box. Excited, I opened it to find a ring made out of a one dollar bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 202
You deserved it 5 018

AkGirl1991 tells us more.

This is the poster, and actually I had bought him a promise ring on valentines day. He used the box I gave him....I just thought. I might have been getting one in return. And no, I am not materialistic or ungrateful, and I know he can afford it. Just got my hopes up. If he had JUST given me the ring, it would have been great.

Top comments

I wonder where the actual ring went?, maybe it's a set up for a real surprise :P

Well he had to have gotten the box for buying something from Kay, so maybe the ring will come out later and he just wanted to see your reaction and if you were excited or not :)


Be happy someone wants to give you a gift, OP.

Probably has the actual surprise waiting for you later. happy birthday!

Sounds like your materialistic. It's not about what it's worth any ways.

MissHayleyJames 7

It's not materialistic to think you're getting something worth more than a dollar. That's like someone giving someone a Porsche keychain like they're actually giving them a Porsche, then walking outside to a Prius. It doesn't make you materialistic.

countrycrazy 0

it's the thought that counts!!!! I'd take it!!!!

fuqsam 5

He gave the ring from the box to his other girl friend... Fyl haha

chelsea10194 1

I would love it.. If you truly love him it shouldnt matter if he even got you anything. Just be happy he puts up with you, you sound very ungrateful. But happy birthday.