By Anonymous - 23/08/2009 11:00 - Norway

Today, I was outside with a guy I really like. He asked me to lay down on the ground and watch the stars with him. I did. Suddenly, he got up, walked over to another girl and kissed her. They left me there on the soaking wet ground, watching the stars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 408
You deserved it 3 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inkedshadow 0

its seems like every normal girl seems to like guys who are just jackasses. i dont understand that at all... FYL =(


just be like "...yeah, i'm gonna go now" or if you're feeling more confrontational "wtf?? You invited me to watch the stars with you and then you start this shit???" then slap him.

sublime93 0

Oh no, your clothes got wet?! And he kissed another girl! Omg fyl!! No. Get over it.

This is so random my brain is aching. Srsly, if any douchebag boy does that then you wouldn't have wanted him any way. Go find someone worth your time. Also, laying in wet grass, watching the stars alone, while knowing your "date" is making out with someone else your own damn fault. I'da punched him in the throat and gtfo. But to each her own, I suppose. :x

epicfailburger 0

she got wet, better than nothing

The OP lives in a part of Norway where it rains often and snows in the winter....

snb46 0

hahai know I was wondering the sane thing!!!

lila_love_93 0

omg thats so sad. i'm so sorry. rejection is the worst thing. for it to be so blatant must really suck. =(

screwtaylor 0

I think the ground was wet from her womanly juices. I guess she thought she was gonna get some action in the grass so she got overly horny. Instead the other girl got more action. Poor you, OP.

In contrast to #1, No, you SHOULD worry. Sucks to be an idiot like you.

Thats not nice of him. But maybe he thought of you as a friend and you were probably the one thinking that it was something more than that. But he is still mean for leaving you like that. But hey look at the bright side, at least you won't be a jackass's girlfriend.

If I was hanging out with a friend [esp. one I knew liked me, but even if not], I would NEVER ditch them to go hook up with someone! What's happened to social grace?